Magic Show in Chinese

Mr Bottle: I m with Belinda, local TV host. She was the host of the event for 5-star travel and I had a great time performing magic for all the aunties and uncles there for 2 days. I am very happy with the response despite a very different the dynamics of the group I usually perform for.

The magic show was originally created to target the family crowd but good communications between the client & me allows me prepare for the show which consisted of 70-80% >60 years old and a mainly Chinese-speaking group. Yes, this show, “Magic in a Bottle Show” is available in Mandarin and I also performed it in Chinese in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing and Tianjin, China as well as local language schools and even overseas students here for educational trips.

I even customised a minimised speech version for a show in Korea!

Need a magic show in Mandarin? Call us at 65155921 to enquire.
WhatsApp us!
Need help?
I am Kien, fun director of 關於瓶子派對