Earth Day is coming

“We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.”

Coming this 26 March, it will be Earth Day. In the next few weeks, we will show how you and your kids can help do your little part to help mother nature.

One of our founders, Kien, has created a culture in the office to save paper as well as reducing waste.

  • We don’t print our emails unless necessary
  • We started payment via credit cards to reduce envelopes and cheque.
  • We print our documents on rough paper if we do not need formal ones.
  • We have a recycling box in the office for paper. (Unfortunately our building doesn’t have recycling bin yet so every other month, Kien will bring the box to the nearest recycling point for recycling. We tried to talk to the management to provide one, unfortunately they say no vendors wanted to collect them!)
  • We switch off the lights when we go for lunch!
  • Kien usually cycles or take public transport to work

You can do your part too for the environment; every little step can make a difference to the world.Just a little background on Kien in his enviromental pursues; he was the Chairperson of NUSSU SAVE (Students Against Violation of the Earth) in his university years and organised activities such as the breaking the Guinness World Record of making the Biggest Sheet of Recycled Paper. He was also in the founding committee of Youth Environment Network. He also represented Singapore in several youths seminars and conferences about the environment.Until next time….

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Need help?
I am Kien, fun director of 關於瓶子派對