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Mr Bottle inspiring kids: Do you need a certificate to learn

Do you need a certificate to learn something? Having studied at NUS, NTU for my post graduation diploma and degree, and was part of the University Scholar’s Program, I feel that do life experience is more important than anything. 

Life can teach you more. Certificates can prove that you did something, BUT your actions are more important. If you have a certification but cannot do what you are tasked to do, what is the point?

The ability to reflect, understand and have gratitude is much more important.

Diploma of Performing?

Exactly 2 years ago, Mr Bottle was invited to Pyongyang to perform his magic show at the 31st April Spring Friendship Art Festival.

diploma presented by the DPRK
diploma presented by the DPRK


diploma presented by the DPRK
diploma presented by the DPRK. Is it a proof that I have certificate to learn something? It is a reminder of my experience which I had with BBC, media, talking to people and much more.

At the end of the festival, most of the performers were presented with awards, diplomas and cash rewards. I didn’t know about this but it was indeed a pleasant surprise.

Mr Bottle receiving his awards at the spring friendship arts festival
Mr Bottle receiving his awards at the spring friendship arts festival

Life is a journey, we learn more things if we reflect on what we have done, even if it’s a mistake. Understand what lies ahead, accept the mistakes and improve on them.

In this trip, I realised I learn so many things: 

  • My interview with BBC was priceless.
  • I realised how my interaction using close-up magic can bring about connections which I would have missed.
  • The once in a lifetime experience to see the country and learn about the culture, history and perspective for myself is priceless.
  • I learn to empathise with people with different mindsets.
Mr bottle with the other award recipients at the April Spring Friendship Arts Festival
Mr bottle with the other award recipients at the April Spring Friendship Arts Festival

I am thankful for this experience which changed my perspective in life.

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I am Kien, fun director of 關於瓶子派對