204 月 Train spotting balloon sculpting N2 train Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty Birthday star Cayden loves train so we made a personalised train, complete with smoke and cargo for him! Go to www.kidsparty.com.sg for more!Read more 448Views 0Comments 0Likes
252 月 An attempt to make camel balloon sculpting camel Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty For some adults guest from Dubai....Read more 454Views 0Comments 0Likes
232 月 Racing car balloon sculpting Racing Car Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty Read more 579Views 0Comments 0Likes
211 月 Tinklebell balloon sculpting tinkerbell Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty Read more 572Views 0Comments 0Likes
171 月 Fireman balloon sculpting firefighter fireman Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty What do us do when a kid ask us to make a fireman? We try our best to make them.(The silver part is the hose)Read more 616Views 0Comments 0Likes
412 月 Lollipop! balloon balloon sculpting lollipop N2 Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty N2: Seems to be the rage now among tween and teens when we make balloons!Read more 442Views 0Comments 0Likes
212 月 Koala on a heart! balloon sculpting Koala Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty Read more 475Views 0Comments 0Likes
2710 月 Winnie the Pooh… balloon sculpting Uncategorized winnie by mrbottlekidsparty Chloe: Don't touch my Winnie the Pooh, or else....Read more 452Views 0Comments 0Likes
710 月 Hello Kitty! balloon sculpting cartoon character hello kitty Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty Here's a joke that I heard: Q: Why didn't Hello Kitty reply Doraemon when he says 'Hello' A: Because Hello Kitty has no mouth! Q: Why didn't Doraemon reply Hello Kitty when he says 'Hello' A: Because Doraemon has no…Read more 512Views 0Comments 0Likes
210 月 Chair! balloon sculpting Uncategorized by mrbottlekidsparty Who would ask for a chair as a balloon sculpture?!Read more 519Views 0Comments 0Likes