5 Great Party Theme for babies and young children

Your toddler just turned one or two and you want to invite your best friends and family to celebrate this joyous occasion. Then comes the question, what theme should I do for his birthday party? What does he or she like? Maybe they like that giraffe which they chew all the time? Maybe

Of course, you can go the simple route by booking magic shows and balloon sculpting! Magic works well if majority of the children are 3 years old and above. Balloon Sculpting and facepainting are great for children, or even adults, however they are just fringe activities. If you want your guests to remember and talk about your celebration event for months or even years, then we would suggest you start of with a theme and think of concepts! Share with us your photos and we would like to feature it.

Here are some suggestions:

1) The Very Hungry Caterpillar theme party

Every child in Singapore has probably read this story from Eric Carle when they were young! So this is a great theme which can resonate with children of all ages to even adults.

There are just so many ideas you can do with this. You can choose to DIY your own food or book a dessert table with it.



2) Animal Theme party

Perhaps this is a no-brainer since a lot of the children story books have animal themes in them. A general theme is easy for you to get samples from table cloth to balloons, from decorations to activities.

Here’s a video of some of the animal themes which we seen or done before:

3) Colour theme

Those who like minimalist can just narrow down to a colour scheme which you like, eg. blue and white. If you are getting balloons, we suggest having 3 colours or less, unless your party is carnival theme.

4) Choosing Ceremony

Though more popular in other countries than Singapore, it is a really fun ceremony which really puts the birthday child in the spotlight! (the Koreans (Dol Jalbi), Vietnamese (Thôi Nôi), Chinese (抓周 Zhuā Zhōu) and Japanese (Erabitori))  The primary purpose of the ceremony is to bless the child with a prosperous future and a healthy life ahead.

Choosing Ceremony
Choosing Ceremony

For instance, parents carry the baby under a ‘gate’ hanging onion shoots (chong) to symbolise that the baby will intelligent (chong ming). One of the highlights of the ceremony include having various items are placed near the child and he or she is encouraged to pick up one or two objects. Each choice represents a certain future of the child with respect to his or her career or a lifestyle. For instance, if the child grabs a calculator, he may become an accountant.

Mr Bottle’s Kids Party offer this too due to the requests from our Taiwanese customers.

5) Alphabet Theme Party

Although Mickey Mouse or a cartoon theme may be the perfect theme for your party, we think it may be a little too cliche!

You are probably reading a lot of books on Alphabets and numbers to your baby so why not have an alphabet theme party. There are a lot of supplies of balloons and decorations using letters so you can buy them usually from party shops. You can have alphabet snacks, number games! You can find more ideas here on Pinterest.

Image result for alphabet theme party
Image Source: Pinterest

Bonus Theme: Your Child

Create something which your guests can wow over and remember. Have photos of your child’s growing up year hang on a string with pegs. Do a slideshow of him. Put photos on him on cakes. Is this too much? Well, this is an age which he or she is likely to be the cutest so treasure it!

Image Source: Pop Sugar

Enquire with us at Mr Bottle’s Kids Party for your very own theme party!

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I am Kien, fun director of 關於瓶子派對